Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Using Conventions in NHibernate

Case: When your DB tanle name conventions and C# class name conventions are different,then to create map between these two, we can create conventions.

Step 1: Create a domain level attribute to define DB table for each C# class we need to map.

public class MyAttribute :Attribute
       public MyAttribute(string tableName)
       public string TableName{get;set;}


step 2: Declare TableName attribute on domain object
public class Employee
      public virtual string Name{get;set;}
      public virtual long SSN{get;set;}

step3: Create convention

public class TableNameConvention : IClassConvention
step 4: Hook convention to NH configuration

var configuration=AutoMap.AssemblyOf<Employee>()
    public void Apply(IClassInstance instance)
    private string SetTableName(IClassInstance instance)
       var attributes = instance.EntityType.GetCustomAttributes(false);
       foreach(var attribute in attributes)
          if(attribute is MyAttribute)
             return ((MyAttribute)attribute).TableName;

        return instance.EntityType.Name;


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